Classes & Workshops




What is mindfulness? Can anyone practice mindfulness? Or does it require special training? How can it benefit you? How can it benefit those around you? In this interactive session, you will learn the answers to these questions, along with the science behind the practice. Everyone experiences stress and anxiety to some degree. The world around us is moving faster and faster; it’s more important than ever to have access to calm and focus…in any environment, and at any time. We all naturally possess the ability to be mindful. This session will walk you through innovative ideas and best practices for creating and maintaining a mindfulness practice that works for YOU. Leave with easy everyday strategies to help you cope with stress, anxiety, and lack of focus.




Incorporating movement into your work day reduces stress, increases focus, and improves your overall health. In this interactive session, you will learn how to incorporate yoga and intentional movement into your day. Take 45 minutes to relax, unwind, stretch and refocus…all in the clothes you wear to work! Beginners are welcome. No experience necessary.



The Yoga for Men’s Health series is taught by Kelly Falkner and designed to support men who are looking to improve their health, fitness and focus.

This series of classes will ease men into cultivating a yoga practice. Yoga builds physical and mental strength, stamina, balance and flexibility for all levels of practitioners. Whether you are new to yoga, an experienced yogi, an athlete, or recovering from an injury, yoga can help.

No experience is necessary. Please bring your own mat and wear comfortable clothing. 



Vinyasa yoga combines movement with breath. Students move from pose to pose with each held for no more than 5 to 8 breaths. This type of flow builds strength, fluidity and flexibility. It also focuses on concentration, breath work and meditation. This class is open to all levels. No yoga experience is necessary.


Yin yoga is a quiet, meditative practice where you will hold passive poses for several minutes. Yin is a wonderful compliment to more vigorous yoga practices or exercise activities, and a perfect place to start for beginners. Using mindful muscle relaxation, yin postures target the connective tissue to help create more flexibility and mobility in your body. The practice nourishes joints, ligaments and fascia, promoting the healthy flow of energy and increasing circulation. It eases the nervous system and is restorative in nature. This class is suitable and encouraged for all levels of practitioners.


The beginner yoga series is a great way to start (or restart) your yoga practice. This 4-week series teaches students the fundamentals of yoga and provides a safe, fun and engaging learning environment. The instructor will take the time to break down the poses and teach alignment. Students learn focused breathing, yoga postures, and relaxation techniques. The beginners series is taught in a sequential manner to help students build strength and flexibility. 


Be the Light was created to teach students breathing, mindfulness, and self-regulation through yoga, while facilitating a community and support from peers. This class is for high school students looking for a healthy way to stay active, regulate stress and participate in creative, safe self-expression. Each class will incorporate unique yoga sequencing, movement and meditation.